The Back Doctors Wellness Clinic Reviews

What Our Victoria Patients Say
At The Back Doctors Wellness Clinic we love when patients share with us their feedback and comments after chiropractic care. Please read our patient testimonials below to see what other people have achieved through their tailored treatment plans with us.
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Dr. Simpson is very thorough & listens to your issues. Both my husband & I feel very blessed that our Chiropractor in Saskatchewan did the research to find Dr. Simpson for us. We just moved to Victoria at the end of November. I don’t know if we would have found Dr. Simpson on our own. If you are needing a caring & very knowledgeable Chiropractor…Dr. Simpson will not disappoint you.
B. Klein
5 years of low back pain gone in under 3 weeks. Why would anyone want to suffer like I did go see them-they`re great!”
R. Cranston
I’ve been to a lot of Therapists & Chiros over the years- this is Top Notch care!
E. Ford
Upper back pain from coughing in bed at night- hurt every time I took a breath in for 5 long days. Instant improvement after first adjustment, pain eliminated after 12 days. If you are still sore after a day and a half don`t suffer like I did- go see them now.
G. Davis
Low back Pain
Ever since my second child Robert was born I could feel that something was not right in my left hip and thigh. The pain was vague, but it was interfering with my aerobics and yoga classes. After about a year the pain seemed to be getting worse, and I was meaning to do something about it but was procrastinating because I did not know where to go or who to see about it. I saw my MD who referred me to physiotherapy, where I was treated regularly for six weeks. By the end of the six weeks, I was having some good days where I felt about 50% better, though still unable to exercise, and still having quite a few bad days. Then, on a Saturday morning, my leg gave out on me while going down the stairs and it struck me that not only did I not know what was wrong with me, but I was not really getting any better. This was the turning point when I decided to take my friend Susan`s advice. She had been chirping at me to go see her Chiropractor, She was sure he could help me.
When I first met Dr Newberry I remember feeling somewhat despondent as I had lost the ability to perform any exercise, and I had started to regain some of the weight I lost after pregnancy. My first impression of Dr Newberry was that he was very thorough, and he was going to take the time to listen to my complaints and take them seriously. By the time he had examined my spine, I was beginning to feel a little more optimistic as he seemed to know what he was talking about, and he showed me how my body was compensating for my alignment problem.
Over the following two weeks I showed up for my adjustments, and used ice on my low back as Dr Mike had instructed me. My pain was not eliminated all at once, but by the end of the first two weeks of chiropractic adjustments, I was feeling 80% better. On follow up four weeks later, I was performing all exercise classes with no pain, no weakness and no numbness. I am happy to say that it has now been six months and I feel just like I did before I ever became pregnant! Chiropractic care certainly works for me and I am now one of those people who chirps in their friend`s ear “try Chiropractic“!
-C. West
Low Back Pain, Neck Click
I had just returned from what will likely be my last trip to Australia to visit my son, as I just turned 80. On the long plane ride home, I felt a click in my low back and it became quite sore. The young chap sitting next to me took time out from chatting with the stewardess to inform me that his father is a chiropractor and they fix this sort of thing all the time. I thought nothing of it at the time. However, this conversation played over and over in my mind for the next two weeks after returning home as I was basically shut-in my house with relentless low back pain.
I thought at 80 years old what do I have to lose? So I called the closest Chiropractor to my house, Dr Mike. He told me he could definitely help with my low back pain, but did not promise to eliminate the pain completely, due to my age. I somewhat reluctantly agreed to see him for two weeks of treatments. Over this time as he eliminated my back pain completely, I started to trust in his judgment. One day when he was re-examining me, he kept asking if I was sure nothing else was bothering me, so I decided to tell him.
About 20 years ago I developed a click in my neck that happens every time I turn my head to the left. It never caused any pain, but I really hated the noise, so I went to see my Doctor about it at that time, who was also a friend of mine. I asked if there is anything at all that could be done to eliminate this horrible sound, either surgically or otherwise. He told me that there was absolutely nothing that could be done. I had been living with this sound for 20 years up until now. Dr Mike asked if I would mind if he examined my neck a little more closely, and I agreed. Well sure enough he found an alignment problem at the top of my spine where one of the joints was basically stuck. I agreed to an adjustment in the area- and since that adjustment I have never heard another click come from my neck, it`s been 5 years now. When we run in to each other from time to time we both laugh at the expression Dr Mike saw on my face after my first neck adjustment: a combination of elation and bewilderment from the instant relief, and the frustration of being told to live with this sound and doing so for 20 years!
-R. Grimsby
Neck Pain
I was suffering from a pain in my neck that developed ofter carrying some heavy bags of groceries into the house after work one day. The pain just got worse and worse, finally I went for therapy. We tried electrotherapy, heat, strength and stretch exercises, and some massage, but my pain just seemed to get worse over time. Finally, my Physiotherapist told me that I have a Disc bulge in my neck and to expect to be sore for a very long time. I couldn’t accept this, so I decided to try Chiropractic.
When I met Dr. Simpson, one of the first things he did was perform a more detailed examination than I have ever had by anyone. Then, he explained to me that his examination results indicated that there was no disc bulge, but there was an alignment problem with the vertebrae in my neck which were basically pinching the nerves. I felt confident enough with Dr. Simpson`s explanation and treatment suggestions to give his treatments a try, and I am so glad that I did! After only two weeks of adjustments my neck pain was gone- what a relief. My treatments were always enjoyable and felt good, even in the early stages when I was quite tender. I would not hesitate to recommended this treatment to anyone who is suffering with a sore neck like I was- it works quickly and it lasts!
-K. Sheard
Infant Torticollis
I noticed something was wrong with my son right from birth. His head was always turned all the way to the extreme right. Nursing was very difficult, I had to position Noah very carefully as nursing was very difficult with his head always in that position. Of course we saw all the specialists straight away before being discharged from the hospital, but none of them knew what to do, or why he was like that. A close friend of mine urged me to take my son to see her Chiropractor, as she thought he may be able to help. It took a lot of convincing by my friend, because I`d never been to a Chiropractor, and I had no idea what they do. I certainly did not see how they could help someone like Noah, who was now three weeks old and not getting any better. Finally, out of desperation, I was reluctantly willing to give it a try.
Before Looking at Noah, Dr. Mike put most of my fears about chiropractic treatment to rest when he explained that if he could help, the type of treatment technique involved would be extremely light pressure which he demonstrated on my hand. Next, as he examined Noah, through the use of sounds that were unfamiliar to him, Dr. Mike demonstrated that Noah could turn his head all the way to the left as well, but it was much more comfortable for him to have his head turned all the way to the right.
After only three treatments, little Noah`s head would come to rest looking straight ahead, and he no longer spent day and night with his head turned to the extreme right. I was so grateful to Dr. Mike and his caring staff for helping Noah, we dropped in to see them in 2004, as we were moving back to New Zealand, to show what a healthy 7 year old he had become. That is when I wrote this note to describe our wonderful experience with Chiropractic, and Dr. Mike.
-R.M. Pindle